brown, bad n' bothered

Growing Up with Cycle Breaking Parents & Ending Generational Patterns

Episode Summary

The rise of “cycle breakers” has taken social media by the horns, but what does being a cycle breaker actually mean and how does it relate to generational trauma? How does being a cycle breaker help overcome numerous health issues and general concerns for yourself and future generations? Tune in to find out, because in this episode Andrea uses her experience growing up with parents, who are cycle breakers, to highlight the importance of taking a stand and breaking negative patterns. It all starts with you!

Episode Notes

The rise of “cycle breakers” has taken social media by the horns, but what does being a cycle breaker actually mean and how does it relate to generational trauma? How does being a cycle breaker help overcome numerous health issues and general concerns for yourself and future generations? Tune in to find out, because in this episode Andrea uses her experience growing up with parents, who are cycle breakers, to highlight the importance of taking a stand and breaking negative patterns. It all starts with you!

Grab your chai and get ready for an educational, insightful & relatable episode.

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