brown, bad n' bothered

Insecurities, Being Cheated On & Cosmetic Surgery Pressure

Episode Summary

Did you know insecurities aren’t just tied to body image or relationships? In this episode, Andrea dives into the basics of insecurities. She discusses the common symptoms, main causes, and different types of insecurities that exist. More so, Andrea bares all when it comes to the insecurities she has faced due to being cheated on, PCOS, Dubai’s insane beauty standards, & embracing her brown skin.

Episode Notes

Did you know insecurities aren’t just tied to body image or relationships? In this episode, Andrea dives into the basics of insecurities. She discusses the common signs, main causes, and different types of insecurities that exist. More so, Andrea bares all when it comes to the insecurities she has faced due to being cheated on, PCOS, Dubai’s insane beauty standards, & embracing her brown skin.

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